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Join us as we plant the seeds of tomorrow

for a sustainable future of food and agriculture.

The journey begins on World Food Day 2024

As the world’s populations grows, so does demand on our food system to nourish everyone. To meet increasing demand for both current and future generations, it’s essential that we shape sustainable and resilient food production systems. That starts with understanding the complex journey that our food takes from farm to table.

We spoke with the next generation about that journey, and why we must act now to future-proof our systems.

Watch the Seeds of Tomorrow

Securing Tomorrow’s Food Systems Today

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization celebrates World Food Day to highlight the urgent need for sustainable, resilient and inclusive food systems, as a key priority to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for generations to come.

As our global population rises and climate change intensifies, the way we produce, distribute and consume food will determine our ability to meet the food needs of tomorrow.

Technology, innovation and collaboration across the food value chain are key levers for stable and adaptable food systems in the face of global challenges such as climate change and a growing population.

The choices we make today – about farming, food policies, and consumption – will directly shape the future of both people and the planet.

At LDC, we believe that future-proofing our food systems means making them:


Implementing and promoting the adoption of sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices to conserve natural resources and ecosystems, and to enhance the resilience and welfare of farming communities


Building capacity to endure shocks – whether from climate change, economic instabilities or natural disasters – ensuring that food remains available and accessible.


Ensuring participation and benefits across the value chain, creating fair value for all food chain stakeholders: from producers to consumers.

Charting a Course for a Sustainable Global Agrifood System

At LDC, we’re committed to helping future-proof agrifood systems through partnerships and technologies that support the adoption of sustainable production practices to conserve forests, promote regenerative agriculture and empower farming communities.


Wei Peng

Head of Sustainability for Grains 
& Oilseeds and global Land Management Lead

“Future-proofing our food system isn’t just an environmental or social responsibility—it’s an imperative that affects every actor and stakeholder in food value chains – from farmers to end-consumers.”