China - 中文 (中国)
Published: Nov 13, 2020

荷兰鹿特丹, 2020年11月13日 – 路易达孚集团(LDC)今天宣布获得了标普全球评级(S&P Global Ratings)的首个公共信用评级,该公司投资级别评级定为BBB-,展望为正面。


路易达孚全球首席财务官Patrick Treuer表示:“这一评级反映了本行业积极向好的长期前景,认可了路易达孚稳健的业绩表现,表明了投资者对我们转型增长企业战略的信心。根据本周刚刚签署的战略伙伴协议,路易达孚已做好准备,通过全价值链投资来为我们的长期业务计划提速,履行我们在全球粮食安全中的关键作用,并为股东创造价值。同时我们也将一如既往地保持自律和审慎的财务和风险管理。”




路易达孚集团(以下简称路易达孚)是全球领先的农产品贸易和加工企业,运用遍布全球的影响力和广泛的资产网络向全世界的客户和消费者提供安全、有效及可靠的服务,在关键的时间将恰当的产品供应到正确的地方。我们多元化的业务组合贯穿于从农场到餐桌的全价值链,涉及广泛的业务平台。自1851年以来,我们的业务逐渐壮大,涵盖了谷物油籽、大米、海运、全球市场、咖啡、棉花、糖和果汁等领域。每年,我们在全球范围内种植、加工和运输约8000万吨农产品,为全球约5亿人提供食品和衣物。路易达孚在全球拥有6个业务区域,涵盖8个业务平台,在世界100多个国家拥有1.8万余名员工。欲了解更多信息请访问 并在微信 (WeChat ID: we_are_LDC)TwitterLinkedIn上关注我们。


如需更多信息,请联系: [email protected]

Louis Dreyfus Company is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods. We leverage our global reach and extensive asset network to serve customers and consumers around the world, delivering the right products to the right location, at the right time – safely, responsibly and reliably. Our activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines (platforms). Since 1851 our portfolio has grown to include Oilseeds, Grains, Freight, Global Markets, Coffee, Cotton, Sugar, Rice, Juice and Dairy. We help feed and clothe some 500 million people every year by originating, processing and transporting approximately 80 million tons of products. Structured as a matrix organization of 6 geographical regions and 10 platforms, Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries and employs approximately 18 000 people globally. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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