Responsible Business
Although carriage by sea is rightfully regarded as the least environmentally damaging means of transporting goods around the world, decarbonization of the maritime sector still represents a huge challenge.
International shipping emissions account for about 2% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, marine fuel oil exhaust accounts for much of the transport sector’s sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, and for a significant portion of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and complex particulate matter releases.
“As a key facilitator of world trade, representing around 80% of global flows, it is critical that the shipping industry addresses the climate impacts of its international activities. Collaboration across the value chain, new technology and digitalization are all key to making the transition to zero a success.”Sebastien Landerretche
Head of Freight
In 2020, adoption of new technology and support for collaborative initiatives such as the Sea Cargo Charter paved the way toward our future.
The path to maritime decarbonization is under way, as we join forces with others to encourage innovation, wider and more intense cooperation on various forums, and greater engagement with governmental authorities.
As a matter of urgency, we believe the shipping industry should introduce a global regulatory framework and an incentive mechanism, such as a carbon levy, to reduce as far as possible its environmental impact. We also believe any such carbon levy should be introduced as a global standard, ideally governed by the IMO, to ensure the shipping industry’s transformation is underpinned by fair and harmonized global regulation.
Our main chartering and management teams are located in two of the world’s most dynamic, innovative shipping hubs: Geneva and Singapore. Collaboration with government authorities in these hubs is key to spearhead bold ambitions for decarbonization, our own and those of like-minded operators, and persuade the IMO to turn a concrete carbon levy program into a global legal obligation.
With growing scrutiny over climate issues from the public, financiers and governments themselves, who are setting bold new targets, obtaining decisive diplomatic support at the IMO for such a program remains an urgent priority for the coming months, to ensure a fair and sustainable future for the industry.
Contribute to ongoing SSI studies on ships of the future
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
Reduce our fleet emissions per ton-mile by 15%, compared to 2017
Completion: 2022
Status: In progress, on target
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