China - 中文 (中国)
Published: Dec 04, 2019


ADM、邦吉、嘉吉、中粮国际、路易达孚和嘉能可农业作为创始成员发起了一项旨在推进农商行业全球贸易运营现代化的全行业倡议,他们为项目发布了新的名称“Covantis”,并推出了相应网站“”。 此举推进了该项目愿景的实现,即通过一个独立可信的数字化平台将整个农产品行业联系起来,提升所有参与者的贸易后效率。目前正在开发的数字化平台也将以Covantis命名,平台可望在获得监管部门审批后于2020年正式上线。

covantis logo.png

Covantis还宣布,项目开发阶段Stefano Rettore将以独立顾问的身份领导该项目,包括负责物色CEO的合适人员,直至管理团队到位、CEO获任。未来的实体、高管任命和平台本身均需得到监管部门的批准。Rettore在全球农商行业拥有二十多年的经验。他曾先后任ADM首席风险官和源头业务负责人。加入ADM之前,他曾在农业合作性商业机构CHS担任多个高管职位。




Jackie Anderson (美国)
[email protected]

Bunge News Bureau 
[email protected]

April Nelson (美国)
[email protected]

COFCO International
Allan Virtanen (瑞士)
[email protected]

Glencore Agriculture
Jane McBride (澳大利亚)
[email protected]

Louis Dreyfus Company
Karen Saddler (瑞士)
[email protected]


Covantis是一个区块链倡议项目,主要目的是实现全球贸易运营现代化。创始成员包括 ADM(纽约证券交易所代码:ADM)邦吉(纽约证券交易所代码:BG 、嘉吉中粮国际路易达孚嘉能可农业。他们正在联合开发一个平台,使全球贸易变得简单、安全和高效。该倡议旨在为国际供应链上的所有公司提升效率,节约成本。

Note on Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws, including statements regarding the anticipated development, success and benefits of the proposed digital platform. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will” and “expect” and similar statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Several factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including in this case the risk that the platform may not be successful or fully achieve the objectives of the participants. Further information regarding risks associated with forward-looking statements is included in Bunge Limited’s and Archer Daniels Midland Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All statements herein are made as of the date of this press release, and the participants undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable law.

About Louis Dreyfus Company

Louis Dreyfus Company is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods. We leverage our global reach and extensive asset network to serve customers and consumers around the world, delivering the right products to the right location, at the right time – safely, responsibly and reliably. Our activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines (platforms). Since 1851 our portfolio has grown to include Oilseeds, Grains, Freight, Global Markets, Coffee, Cotton, Sugar, Rice, Juice and Dairy. We help feed and clothe some 500 million people every year by originating, processing and transporting approximately 80 million tons of products. Structured as a matrix organization of 6 geographical regions and 10 platforms, Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries and employs approximately 18 000 people globally. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Media Contacts:

For further information, please contact: [email protected]