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LDC helps Fund World Coffee Research

March 29, 2018

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) announced its support for World Coffee Research – a non-profit collaborative research and development program – to grow, protect, and boost supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of families who produce it.

We will donate US$50,000 to the program, an industry initiative working with producers and coffee scientists around the world.

The support is part of LDC’s broader efforts to help farmers and their communities to make coffee production sustainable and profitable.

In that respect, the work done by World Coffee Research is complementary to our own sustainability initiatives – it promotes best farming practices to achieve long-term, positive impact across the entire coffee value chain.

The LDC approach to coffee sustainability is based on two pillars. First, we work to boost the production of certified coffee. Second, we increasingly support sustainability efforts, working with industry, NGOs and governments on project-based initiatives. In this way, LDC is able to reach the vast majority of farmers who are not covered by major certification programs but need support to continue farming.

“We are very happy to support World Coffee Research in its efforts to address complex problems such as low yields, climate change, and other barriers to quality,” said Markus Reis, Head of LDC’s Coffee Platform.

“We will only be able to enjoy quality coffee in 30 years’ time, if farmers can generate a decent and sustainable revenue from coffee,” he added.

World Coffee Research welcomed the donation.

“Louis Dreyfus Company has a long history of promoting sustainable livelihoods for small producers,” said Timothy Schilling, Ph.D., CEO of World Coffee Research. “This support offers help to producers exactly where they need it: the development of new, high-yielding coffee varieties with excellent cupping quality, which are vigorous enough to stand up against climate change, drought and the constant threats of disease.”