Colombia - English

Global Highlights

LDC has been in the coffee business for over 30 years, and merchandizes all major Arabica and Robusta coffee qualities, serving a diverse range of customers across the globe, from specialty roasters to multinational food companies

From Tree to Cup


We are present in 10 coffee-producing countries around the world, covering 85% of global coffee production


A team of 40 sustainability experts helps us source coffee responsibly

Top 5

LDC is one of the world’s top 5 merchandizers of green coffee

Our Coffee Value Chain

01Originate & Produce

01Originate & Produce

We share our expertise with farmers and producers worldwide, ourselves or with business partners and expert organizations, as part of our commitment to responsible, sustainable and traceable supply chains

02Purchase & Process

02Purchase & Process

We buy directly from farmers, cooperatives and local traders who use responsible sourcing practices that adhere to our Coffee Suppliers Code of Conduct. We then process the beans, focusing on safety and quality control in compliance with our health and safety (SHE) policies.

03Store & Transport

03Store & Transport

Our strategically located network of silos, warehouses, transloading facilities and ports allows us facilitate access to market for local farmers around the globe and enable us to control costs and mitigate risk throughout the product journey

04Research & Merchandize

04Research & Merchandize

Our depth of marketing and merchandizing experience is our greatest strength. All our platforms and regions rely on our market knowledge to ensure responsive supply.

05Customize & Distribute

05Customize & Distribute

We supply products to a wide range of customers, from large multinationals to local manufacturers and retailers

01Originate & Produce

01Originate & Produce

We share our expertise with farmers and producers worldwide, ourselves or with business partners and expert organizations, as part of our commitment to responsible, sustainable and traceable supply chains

02Purchase & Process

02Purchase & Process

We buy directly from farmers, cooperatives and local traders who use responsible sourcing practices that adhere to our Coffee Suppliers Code of Conduct. We then process the beans, focusing on safety and quality control in compliance with our health and safety (SHE) policies.

03Store & Transport

03Store & Transport

Our strategically located network of silos, warehouses, transloading facilities and ports allows us facilitate access to market for local farmers around the globe and enable us to control costs and mitigate risk throughout the product journey

04Research & Merchandize

04Research & Merchandize

Our depth of marketing and merchandizing experience is our greatest strength. All our platforms and regions rely on our market knowledge to ensure responsive supply.

05Customize & Distribute

05Customize & Distribute

We supply products to a wide range of customers, from large multinationals to local manufacturers and retailers

Our Strengths in Colombia

LDC is a leading exporter of Colombian coffee, sharing the country’s premium quality product with the world since 2007.

In 2010, we purchased our first asset in Colombia – the San Antonio Milling Plant. Today, the plant is considered a local industry landmark for its productive capacity and facilities.

In 2013, LDC Colombia broadened its purchasing spectrum and consolidated various buying stations throughout Colombia, facilitating direct access for all suppliers in rural areas.

We also operate two high-altitude warehouses, in Cundinamarca and Paramo de Letras. Located at 2,600m and 3,200m respectively, they provide optimal storage conditions.

Over the years, we have developed strong commercial bonds with several supply chain companies in Colombia. This gives us the sourcing and processing capabilities needed to deliver to our clients efficiently.

We ensure the quality and safety of the coffee we sell

As a world leader in the processing and marketing of Coffee, at LDC we are committed to supplying safe products, in a responsible manner and guaranteeing a fluid, traceable and sustainable supply chain. See how we do it in our Quality and Food Safety Policy.

Read our policy here

Committed to Sustainability

We encourage the adoption of best agricultural, social and economic practices in coffee production by our partners, and are constantly evaluating the social and environmental impact of our activities.

We also participate in various responsible origination initiatives, focusing on quality and on product traceability. We have implemented our Conduct Manual for Raw Material Suppliers, in addition to working with 4C, UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, and C.A.F.E. Practices checks and certifications.

Global Code of Conduct for Coffee Suppliers

Global Code of Conduct for Coffee Suppliers

We aim at spreading sustainable practices throughout the coffee value chain. This Code of Conduct sets out to serve as a common base for our coffee suppliers and is intended to provide them with an understanding of our expectations for responsible practices.
