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Louis Dreyfus Company publishes its 2017 Sustainability Report
Published: Aug 16, 2018

ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, 16 August 2018 – Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) published its sixth annual Sustainability Report today, outlining progress towards its ambitious targets for a safe and sustainable future. The report highlights the importance of collaboration in meeting those targets, in the spirit of the United Nations’ global Sustainable Development Goals.

“The very nature of our business requires us to act on sustainability. And because complexity is also an integral part of our activities, we approach sustainability challenges with our long-held practice of working in partnership to create fair and sustainable value” said Chief Executive Officer, Gonzalo Ramírez Martiarena.

LDC engaged with several new partners last year, for example by joining the Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) and working with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) to improve its reporting and thus identify and focus on key opportunities to boost sustainable practices. Because consumers around the world increasingly expect full traceability and certification processes, LDC also continued to work towards more sustainable and certified supply chains, for example in its palm operations, which reached more than 90 percent traceability to mill level, thanks notably to collaboration with The Forest Trust.

“Traceability is a crucial building block in our sustainability efforts, and our palm and soy business worked especially intensively in this vein last year, and some of our other platforms were also very active in achieving this through third party certification schemes”, said Guy Hogge, Head of Sustainability. “And beyond traceability, we continue to develop policies and codes of conduct that go beyond legal or regulatory obligations, and to invest in workplace safety, farm level training in sustainable agricultural practices and community projects”, he added.

LDC’s 2017 sustainability report also reveals the company’s initiatives for reducing its environmental footprint, notably around greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption, as well as waste generation.