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Juice Sustainability Report 2017

June 28, 2018

Each year, LDC’s sustainability approach is more deeply rooted in our juice operations in Brazil, according to the latest figures and findings of our Juice Sustainability Report.

One of the largest fruit juice producers in the world, LDC Juice employs nearly 9,000 people in Brazil at peak season, producing more than 30 products from a total 25,000 hectares of orange and lemon groves across 38 farms managed by LDC.

Ranging from juice and essential oils through to dry peel and pulp pellets, our products are distributed to more than 70 countries around the world.

“We are proud to generate jobs, exports and economic activity, but our contribution to Brazil goes deeper than that,” said Murilo Parada, Head of Juice and Head of North Latin America Region.

Highlights from our latest report include the planting of more than 150,000 native trees around LDC farms to protect local biodiversity, a 76% reduction in accident frequency rates since 2014, and improved wastewater treatment at our Matão and Paranavaí processing assets. 

“By looking after our workforce and the environment too, we want to see a deeper, more sustainable impact on the lives of our workforce, and their families and communities – these are the people whom we depend on most,” added Murilo.