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LDC Promotes Mastergold at Customer Event in Tianjin

December 9, 2019

At LDC’s annual meeting with packaged cooking oil customers in China, held in Tianjin Binhai New Area in November, we promoted our newly-launched high-end packaged cooking oil brand Mastergold among some 100 industry partners, customers and experts.

Like our Chef Fu cooking oil brand, launched earlier this year, our Hongfule, Fubaixiang and Mastergold brands aim to meet the evolving cooking oil preferences of different customer and consumer groups. Among these, our high-end, non-GMO cooking oil brand Mastergold was officially launched at the second China International Import Expo in Shanghai, to meet Chinese consumer demand for high-quality food and drinks with more integrated, transparent and traceable value chains.

The annual customer event was also a platform to further strengthen our existing partnerships and explore new cooperation opportunities for the benefit of both domestic and foreign customers.

“The launch of high-quality packaged oil brands is a major step for LDC in moving downstream and offering more value-added products. We believe that win-win collaboration is the key to mutual long-term benefit,” said Anthony Liu, Regional Oilseeds Crush and Trading Manager for China. “We appreciate the enthusiasm and support from our partners and look forward to growing together in the future.”

Through extensive research, sound risk management principles and practices, and leveraging our global network and expertise, LDC has built a strong presence in, and relationship with, China as a trusted, long-time supplier, and a partner in the country’s growth journey.

In addition to developing our product portfolio, we continue to pursue new avenues and partnerships to meet the needs of Chinese customers and consumers, such as collaboration with leading e-commerce company Meituan Dianping to distribute our Chef Fu cooking oil to the catering industry, or our joint venture with Luckin Coffee to develop a co-branded Luckin Juice business.