Colombia - English
March 25, 2020

Working for a safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable future

Our people share a collective commitment to achieve zero incidents affecting safety, health or the environment (SHE) – this is a priority 365 days a year, in everything we do and wherever we operate.

As a part of this shared goal, all our locations around the world took part in LDC’s 11th annual SHE Day to reinforce our commitments and mark progress and achievements in raising safety and health standards at LDC, reducing our environmental footprint and supporting local communities where we operate to do the same. This year, in view of the coronavirus outbreak, we avoided all gatherings and made it a digital celebration of the day.

Today, we invite you into the daily lives of Mariana, Brian, Preston, Janet, Sergio and Xiaolian, to discover how SHE plays a key role in our activities worldwide. You will hear from our #TeamLDC about recycling in Kenya, healthy practices in Singapore, safety innovation in Brazil, and more.

Discover our work toward a safe and sustainable future