Global Highlights
LDC has been in the coffee business for over 30 years, and merchandizes all major Arabica and Robusta coffee qualities, serving a diverse range of customers across the globe, from specialty roasters to multinational food companies
About Coffee
Each year the world produces approximately 10 million tons of coffee, the two main species of which are Arabica and Robusta.
Milder, more aromatic and with less caffeine, Arabica coffee makes up the bulk of world production. It is grown mainly at higher altitudes in tropical and temperate regions of the Western Hemisphere, Brazil being the world’s largest producer.
Vietnam is the largest producer of Robusta coffee, which is largely grown at lower altitudes in tropical Asia and Africa.
Brazil is the world’s leading producer of coffee overall, followed by Vietnam, Colombia and Indonesia. The EU (as a region) consumes the most coffee, followed by the US, Brazil and Japan.
Our Coffee Value Chain
Each of our business lines is integrating further across the five steps of our value chain, as we respond to the need for a traceable and responsible supply line from farmer to consumer
01Originate & Produce
01Originate & Produce
02Purchase & Process
02Purchase & Process
03Store & Transport
03Store & Transport
04Research & Merchandize
04Research & Merchandize
05Customize & Distribute
05Customize & Distribute
01Originate & Produce
01Originate & Produce
02Purchase & Process
02Purchase & Process
03Store & Transport
03Store & Transport
04Research & Merchandize
04Research & Merchandize
05Customize & Distribute
05Customize & Distribute
Our Strengths in India
LDC manages an integrated coffee supply business, from farms to export destinations, originating, processing, storing and shipping coffee all over the world.
India produces both Arabica and Robusta coffee, with both washed and unwashed preparations, enabling us to offer customers a variety of qualities suited to their specifications.
We rely on a substantial supplier base to offer and guarantee high quality coffees, which are carefully processed and prepared in our facilities.
Key features of our coffee operations:
- A strong local trading team, supported by a research team with the capability to estimate crop size
- State-of-the-art processing mill in the country
- Full-fledged cupping laboratory to maintain the best quality of coffee received and delivered
- Risk management tools to ensure timely service and reliable product delivery of the highest standard
Committed to Sustainability
We encourage the adoption of best agricultural, social and economic practices in coffee production by our partners, and are constantly evaluating the social and environmental impact of our activities.
We also participate in various responsible origination initiatives, focusing on quality and on product traceability. We launched our Conduct Manual for Raw Material Suppliers, in addition of working with 4C, UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, C.A.F.E. Practices, and Certifica Minas checks and certifications.