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Louis Dreyfus Company Celebrates Safety Achievements During 9th Annual Global Safety Day

Louis Dreyfus Company Celebrates Safety Achievements During 9th Annual Global Safety Day
Published: Mar 14, 2018


ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, 14 March 2018 – Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) marks its 9th annual Global Safety Day today with a series of commemorative activities across its global facilities. This year’s theme, “Our Safety is My Priority”, highlights the company’s collective attitude towards personal safety, emphasizing that safety starts with each and every one of us.

A major annual event on the company calendar, LDC’s Group-wide Safety Day involves employees, partners and contractors at every site across the more than 100 countries where the company operates. Safety Day is part of LDC’s continual investment in training and equipment, to establish a sustainable safety culture, ensure employees have what they need to stay safe, and achieve its target of “zero accidents” in the workplace. Since 2012, LDC’s global incident frequency rate of recordable injuries has gone down by 72%. Its gravity rate, which records lost time injuries, has also been reduced by 78%.

Gonzalo Ramírez Martiarena, Chief Executive Officer of Louis Dreyfus Company, commented, “Today, we come together to celebrate our safety achievements over the past year, and to set our safety priorities for the rest of 2018. Our safety indexes continue to improve year on year, and while this is encouraging, we have to keep up the good work. We can only reach our ultimate goal of zero accidents, zero injuries and zero fatalities, if we all take personal responsibility for our safety, and incorporate safe behaviors in every aspect of our daily lives, at work and at home.”

Each year, LDC’s global assets organize local activities and presentations with employees on Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE), and promote initiatives supporting the company’s four pillars of sustainability: People, Environment, Community and Partners. LDC recognizes its sites that deliver the best overall safety performance in each of its six operating regions, and those that develop the best innovations for a more sustainable business. Contest winners are elected by a panel of regional and global managers and SHE experts.