
Engaging with Young Australians

Supporting Health & Wellness

LDC donated the proceeds of cotton bales from grower season trials to BUSHkids, a not-for-profit health organization that supports children and families in Queensland’s regional, rural and remote communities. The funds were used to design and build a new outdoor therapy space for children and families who might not otherwise have access to local services.

Hosting Open Days

One of LDC’s large-scale cotton gin facilities opened its doors to local student aged 4 to 6, inviting them to discover ‘where socks and shirts come from’. At the end of an interactive learning day, the children left with samples of raw cotton, lint cotton and cotton seed to show their families.

Introducing Students to Agricultural Studies

In April 2021, LDC sponsored an agricultural field trip for Dalby State High, located near LDC’s cotton facility – a valuable learning experience for the students, providing insight into future employment opportunities in the agricultural industry.

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