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Within this section you will find information to help answer some of the technical questions you may have about our website as well as an explanation for some of the functions we have provided.

Browsing the site

Out site has been developed to be accessible for a wide a range of web browsers and alternative devices. If you have any queries regarding the accessibility of our site, please see our accessibility page.

There are several ways to navigate our site:

  • To browse through a particular section, click on the section title at the top of the page. You will be taken to the top page of the section and links to the section’s content will then appear on the left hand side
  • A sitemap for this site can be found at the bottom of every page. From the sitemap page you can click on any link in the map to go straight to that page
  • To look for information on a specific topic, try our search facility at the top of every page. First enter a keyword or keywords into the search box, and then click on the magnifying glass icon to display a page with search results. You can then follow any of the links that are returned to the associated page
  • You can return to the home page at any time by click on the site logo at the top of every page.

For any further information, please visit our contact us section.

External site links

Within our website you will find links to external sites throughout. As a general policy, all links to external websites will launch in a new window. A list of other Louis Dreyfus Company websites can be found at the bottom of every page.

PDF and Excel files

This site contains a selection of Portable Document Format (PDF) files that may be downloaded onto your hard drive. PDF files enable you to download and print ‘pre-designed’ documents. PDF files are denoted with a PDF icon. To view a PDF file you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader software which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.


We always appreciate feedback from the people who visit our site. So if you have any comments, suggestions or experience any technical difficulties while using our site, please contact us.