This project with the Louis Dreyfus Foundation was first established in 2018, with the aim of developing a sustainable supply chain from smallholder rice farmers to the mill in Boundiali, in northern Côte d’Ivoire. By connecting rice producers with processors, and then processors with the market, an inclusive, traceable and sustainable supply chain was built, helping the area’s rice sector transition from subsistence farming to small-scale commercial agriculture.
Farmers are segmented into ‘emerging producers’ and ‘agri-preneurs’ (market-oriented farmers) to offer support tailored to their production profile and ensure rice production for both self-consumption and sale on the local market.
The project has since grown, and in 2021 continued to support more than 3,600 farmers.
Key Numbers
4,793MT: rice produced (931MT self-consumed / 3,862 MT commercialized)
3,642: farmers engaged
22%: average increase in productivity – emerging producers
26%: average increase in productivity – agri-preneurs
A production strategy and plan are being developed for next year, in collaboration with farmers themselves and with local stakeholders.
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