Goals That Guide Us

Human Rights

The Challenge

Use fair labor practices, eliminate child and forced labor from our supply chains, and respect diversity in all its forms.

Our Policies

  • Group Code of Conduct
  • Human Rights Protocol
  • Coffee Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Citrus Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Palm Sustainability Policy
  • Soy Sustainability Policy

Action in 2020


4. Quality Education

4. Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

5. Gender Equality

5. Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

8. Decent Work & Economic Growth

8. Decent Work & Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

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