
Boosting Family Farms in Argentina

Many smallholder farmers in El Chaco, Argentina struggle with agricultural production, relying on outdated techniques with little access to credit, training or new technologies. This ongoing project with the Louis Dreyfus Foundation aims to support the local farming community through training, technical and production assistance and support on social and medical issues.

In 2021, 56 families received agricultural support to restore and improve their yields, of which all registered improved production results. All families received training on nutrition and cooking, as well as seeds to set up and maintain their vegetable gardens, and female family members received support on health and social issues.

The next phase of the project will focus on structuring and consolidating farmers’ production through the creation of a farmers’ cooperative. Some 200 farmers will receive technical assistance and in-kind production support through the provision of veterinary supplies and agricultural materials.

Key Numbers

56: families assisted in 2021

100%: farmers with a positive production margin

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