LDC in the US
The US is a key market for LDC, both in the merchandizing role that made our company a global force and in our new strategy of embracing more of the value chain, moving further toward end consumers
Regional Highlights:
Our Strengths in the US
The North American agricultural sector is one of the most advanced in the world, transformed by technology, highly capitalized and well-integrated between commodities.
The US is a highly developed and integrated region for LDC, where we have strong origination, processing and logistic capabilities that support our position as a market leader in all our main business lines in the region: Coffee, Cotton, Food & Feed Solutions, Juice and Grains & Oilseeds.
LDC is one of the world’s leading exporters of wheat, corn, oilseeds and cotton in the US, a dynamic and essential market for agricultural commodities.
Our Strategy
Our recent activity in the US exemplifies LDC’s strategy of moving down the value chain to consumers, diversifying revenue through value-added products.
Over recent years, we have broadened our product portfolio to produce and market ethanol, biodiesel and glycerin.
In 2019 we participated in the financing of Motif FoodWorks, a Ginkgo Bioworks food ingredients venture that will develop and offer innovative alternative proteins and other sustainable ingredients for plant-based food developers. This move is part of LDC’s strategy to invest in solutions that could address consumer demand and help to feed a growing world population sustainably.
Our Assets
LDC has been active in the US since 1909. Since then, we have opened several regional offices in major agricultural production and trading areas, building up an extensive understanding of local producer and customer needs.
We currently have local representation in Wilton, Connecticut; Cordova, Tennessee; and Kansas City, Missouri; and operate more than 40 processing and logistic facilities across the country, including:
- An oilseeds crushing plant in Claypool, Indiana
- A corn ethanol plant in Grand Junction, Iowa
- 24 cotton warehouses in Arkansas, Arizona, California, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas, as well as two container loading facilities in West Texas
- Two export terminals at ports in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Seattle, Washington