Argentina - English

Louis Dreyfus Company Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of Its Timbúes Agro-Industrial Complex

Louis Dreyfus Company Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of Its Timbúes Agro-Industrial Complex
Published: Dec 10, 2021

Santa Fe, Argentina, December 10, 2021 – This year marked the 15th anniversary of Louis Dreyfus Company’s (LDC) Timbúes agro-industrial and port complex, a hub for regional development. Strategically located near the town of Timbúes in the Gran Rosario port belt, the agro-industrial and port complex is a key export terminal for national and regional agricultural products, receiving, storing, processing and exporting products from the country’s main agricultural areas.

“Looking back at what was accomplished over the past 15 years, celebrating this milestone anniversary for LDC in the region fills us with pride,” says Gerardo Franke, LDC’s Regional Industry Manager for South & West Latin America. “Just three years after the first shipment from the complex in 2006, the site had the largest barge pier in the region. Today, it has an annual milling capacity of approximately 3 million metric tons of oilseeds, and the capacity to ship some 10,000 tons daily.”

“Operated by 220 highly qualified employees, the plant uses the latest technologies and most advanced equipment, making it one of the most modern plants of its kind in the world”, adds Matías Bautista, LDC’s Timbúes Plant Manager.

Over the years, LDC has contributed to economic and social development in the local community, through initiatives such as the construction of Campo Mateo school in Timbúes, donations to educational and health institutions in the area, as well as sponsorships for dozens of regional secondary school students through institutions such as Cimientos.

Following all applicable sanitary measures, the company celebrated the anniversary with an event and gift for local employees, recognizing their key contribution to the plant’s success over the years.

About Louis Dreyfus Company

Louis Dreyfus Company es una compañía líder en la comercialización y procesamiento de productos agrícolas. Aprovechamos nuestro alcance global y nuestra extensa red de activos para servir a nuestros clientes y consumidores en todo el mundo, llevando los productos adecuados al lugar adecuado, en el momento adecuado – de forma segura, confiable y responsable. Nuestras actividades abarcan toda la cadena de valor desde el campo a la mesa, a través de una amplia gama de líneas de negocio (plataformas). Desde 1851 nuestro portafolio ha crecido hasta incluir Cereales y Oleaginosas, Café, Algodón, Jugo, Arroz, Azúcar, Transporte, Soluciones de Carbono y Mercados Globales. Ayudamos a alimentar y vestir a unos 500 millones de personas cada año originando, procesando y transportando aproximadamente 80 millones de toneladas de productos. Con una estructura organizada matricialmente en seis regiones geográficas y nueve plataformas, Louis Dreyfus Company desarrolla actividades en más de 100 países y emplea aproximadamente a 17.000 personas a nivel mundial. Por más información, visita y síguenos en Twitter y LinkedIn.

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