China - English

Food & Beverages


What color is rice? White? Brown? How about red or purple? The answer, of course, is all of the above.

The evocatively named ‘Forbidden Rice’ is black, with a nutty flavor, and is used in a variety of Chinese or Thai dishes, including black rice cake and mango sticky rice.

This wonderfully versatile staple provides one fifth of all calories consumed by humans worldwide, and LDC is a world-leading rice merchandizer, sourcing from multiple origins to satisfy rising global demand for rice.

LDC is one of the leading rice distributors in Africa
There are more than 40,000 different varieties of rice
There are over 144 million rice farms worldwide

Sustainability in Rice

As a leading purchaser of Asian rice, mostly in bulk from wholesalers and local traders, we are committed to ensuring fair working conditions for all in our supply chain.

In 2019, we took steps to review and understand potential labor and human rights issues in our rice supply chains, working with relevant stakeholders in Thailand and Vietnam.

In Africa, we are working with partners to support smallholder rice farmers to increase their competitiveness and gain access to the domestic market.

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Our Rice Brands:

Bella Luna

Our Partners:

Gafta Pledge Sustainability logo OUTPUT.eps