
Responsible Business

In 2020, our highly committed teams continued to drive sustainable practices across our diverse value chains and business lines.

Toward a more sustainable future of food and agriculture

In 2020, we continued to make positive strides for sustainable development across our activities and business lines. And as we look toward the future, we continue to be guided by our conviction that partnerships – with investors, partners, customers, suppliers, peers, NGOs, governments and other stakeholders worldwide – are central to achieve lasting positive change.


Benefitted 14,400+ people through sustainability projects supporting coffee farming communities

Find out more about Coffee


Trained 46,000+ farmers in sustainable agricultural practices and purchased more Better Cotton

Find out more about Cotton


Signed a new US$100 million facility to support sustainable business expansion in EMEA

Find out more about Finance


Co-founded the Sea Cargo Charter and reduced CO2 emissions by over 6%

Find out more about Freight


Launched a new eco-efficient fleet and planted 49,000+ native seedlings at our citrus farms

Find out more about Juice


100% traceability to mill for directly sourced palm and 1,000+ smallholder farmers trained

Find out more about Palm


Increased traceability in Brazil and made first purchases and sales of RTRS-certified soy in Paraguay

Find out more about Soybeans

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