Responsible Business
Palm oil is already the most widely used vegetable oil, and its production is expected to quadruple in the same period.
Palm oil is an essential source of revenue for many farmers, and our challenge is to promote production practices that create shared value fairly and sustainably.
We therefore work in partnership with many different stakeholders, helping to balance competing needs.
As we do so, we seek to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG2: Zero Hunger and SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production, by working to:
“Despite offering yields four to ten times higher per hectare than other oils, challenges remain to meet growing demand responsibly. Cultivation must continue without causing deforestation and destruction of ecosystems with high carbon stock and of high conservation value.”Jacinto Peralta Ramos
Global Head of Palm
Despite Covid-19 restrictions, we continue to work toward our ultimate NDPE goal, taking our interview, monitoring and grievance processes online.
Continuing to improve traceability remains a high priority, and we are introducing methods and targets to achieve traceability to plantation level. We will support this with satellite monitoring, especially for direct suppliers to our refineries.
We also aim to expand smallholder inclusion activities in Indonesia, building on the successful pilot project described above.
100% traceability to mill level for palm sourced directly to LDC refineries
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
Near 100% traceability to mill level for palm traded by LDC*
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete (currently at 96%)
* Not sourced for its refineries
60% traceability to plantation level for palm sourced directly to LDC refineries
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
90% of volumes sourced by LDC to come from verifiably responsible suppliers*
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
* From certified RSPO or ISCC volumes, or from suppliers who are contractually bound to comply with our palm sustainability policy, or from suppliers who have their own NDPE commitments of at least equal rigor to our policy
60% of mills supplying LDC refineries to provide LDC-approved NDPE self-declaration
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
Suppliers representing 40% of direct volumes field-verified for NDPE compliance and GAPs
Completion: 2020
Status: Delayed to 2022*
* Due to Covid-19 restrictions
Train an additional 750 South Sumatran palm smallholder farmers in GAPs
Completion: 2020
Status: Complete
New and Amended targets
100% traceability to mill level for palm sourced directly to LDC refineries
Completion: 2021
Near 100% traceability to mill level for palm traded by LDC*
Completion: 2021
*Not sourced for its refineries
90% of volumes sourced by LDC to come from verifiably responsible suppliers*
Completion: 2021
*From certified RSPO or ISCC volumes, or from suppliers who are contractually bound to comply with our palm sustainability policy, or from suppliers who have their own NDPE commitments of at least equal rigor to our policy
Train a further 1,000 South Sumatran palm smallholder farmers in GAPs
Completion: 2022
95% traceability to plantation level for palm sourced directly to LDC refineries
Completion: 2022
100% of mills supplying LDC refineries to provide LDC-approved NDPE self-declaration
Completion: 2025
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