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LDC Announcement Biosev upstreaming

LDC Announcement Biosev upstreaming
Published: Dec 12, 2012

The Louis Dreyfus Commodities Group announces an internal reorganization leading ultimately to the upstreaming of its 65.7% owned sugar cane production and processing subsidiary Biosev (“Biosev”) from Louis Dreyfus Commodities BV (LDC BV) to a newly formed intermediary holding.

Biosev was already an autonomous group within the Louis Dreyfus Commodities Group, with a dedicated management, a different ownership structure and a specific business profile and will be, following this reorganization, ring fenced from LDC BV. This reorganization aims at facilitating the readability of LDC BV’s financial performance by our main stakeholders, while maintaining a specific growth path for each of the two groups.

Effective 4th December 2012, the reorganization was carried out through the contribution by Louis Dreyfus Commodities Holdings BV (LDCH BV) of all its shares and voting rights in LDC BV to the newly formed intermediate holding company Louis Dreyfus Commodities Netherlands Holding BV (LDCNH BV) to which LDC BV distributed by way of a dividend in kind, all its shares and voting rights in Biosev’s
holding company.

Subsequent to such internal reorganization, LDCH BV remains the ultimate shareholder of both LDC BV and Biosev.

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Louis Dreyfus Commodities is a global merchandiser of commodities, a major asset owner and a processor of agricultural goods. With more than 160 years of experience, our portfolio has grown to include Oilseeds, Grains, Rice, Freight, Finance, Juice, Cotton, Coffee, Sugar, Metals, Dairy and Fertilizers & Inputs. Additionally we participate in industrial sugarcane activities, operating 13 sugar mills through Biosev in Brazil. Our diversified activities span the value chain where we operate from farm to fork. Dedicated to providing sustenance for our planet, today we help to feed and clothe up to 500 million people, originating, processing and transporting approximately 70 million tons of food around the world annually.

The LDC Group is owned 80% by the Louis Dreyfus Group with the balance held by employees. Structured as a matrix organization of 6 geographical regions and 13 business lines or ‘platforms’, Louis Dreyfus Commodities is present in more than 55 countries and employs more than 35,000 people globally at peak season.