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Pillars of Sustainability

Electricity and Energy Consumption

Home » Sustainability Report 2021 » Pillars of Sustainability » Environment » Electricity & Energy Consumption

This index shows the ratio of electrical power consumed to process (for industrial facilities) or handle (for warehousing facilities) feedstock. It is measured in kilowatt-hours per metric ton (kWh/MT).

In 2021, the severe drought that affected LDC-managed citrus farms in Brazil hampered our overall efforts to reduce energy consumption, as a result of increased use of electrical pumps for irrigation. Nevertheless, we continued to drive improvements, innovation and process changes at our facilities globally, which made a positive difference and maintained momentum and progress in this important area.

Year-on-year change



Brazil & Argentina

In 2021, variable-frequency drives (VFDs) were installed at ten of our industrial sites in Latin America: Alto Araguaia, Apucarana, Itumbiara, Jataí, Paraguaçu Paulista, Ponta Grossa, Rio Verde in Brazil, and General Lagos and Timbúes in Argentina. These motor drives are used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control alternating current motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage, increasing system efficiency and driving down energy consumption by over 20% on average.


At our Zhangjiagang soy processing facility, we installed a bypass at the head of the elevators, increasing transportation efficiency and reducing the need for storage, and thus saving power. As a direct result, the unit reduced power consumption by 0.24 kWh/MT year on year.


Single speed fans controlled by dampers can cause increased energy usage, as fans increase to produce less flow, whereas variable speed fan motors reduce horsepower and electric demand for lower flow rates. In 2021, we introduced variable speed motors throughout our facility in Claypool, Indiana, reducing wear and tear on motors, eliminating damper controls and reducing energy consumption by 2.5%.


Reduced energy consumption is closely associated with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, so use of renewable energies is a win-win scenario.

Accordingly, LDC is actively exploring avenues to harness renewable energies in its operations and, in 2021, completed a project to harness solar power at El Cofre coffee plant in Veracruz, Mexico. We shifted to 100% renewable energy by installing photovoltaic panels on the plant rooftop, reducing the facility’s Scope 2 emissions footprint to zero. Comprising 486 solar panels that cover an area of more than 1,000 m2, the photovoltaic installation will produce 351 megawatt-hours annually, avoiding 184 tons of CO2 emissions each year.

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