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Pillars of Sustainability

Diversity & Inclusion

As a global company that employs thousands of people across the world, LDC is a naturally diverse organization. We strive to create an inclusive workplace, where everyone feels supported and empowered to achieve their potential.

Our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) roadmap and targets support the United Nations’ 2030 Global Sustainable Development Agenda, with inclusion, empowerment and equality at its heart, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, culture, experience, background or ideology.

One of our D&I targets was to roll out an inclusive recruitment standard globally across LDC by 2022, but we have delayed it to 2023 to enable the build of a more equitable recruitment process involving broad-scale technology updates that are not yet in place.

On the other hand, we progressed toward our 2025 and 2030 goals, exceeding some of these as per the results of our 2021 employee survey, which indicated positive perceptions in relation to these criteria.

Overcoming Unconscious Bias

At LDC, we believe that recognizing, addressing and overcoming unconscious bias is essential to build strong, inclusive teams. By increasing our awareness of unconscious bias, we can focus on positive ways to identify harmful perceptions and reframe our thinking.

In 2021, we launched a mandatory and global e-learning campaign to recognize and overcome unconscious bias for approximately 8,000 LDC employees (those with access to LDC’s e-learning platform, ‘LDC.Learn‘).

This new e-learning course consists of two mandatory modules:

  • In the first, employees learn about the characteristics of unconscious bias and how to recognize it. They also study the importance of addressing unconscious bias in the workplace to counter its harmful effect on organizational productivity and success.
  • In the second, employees learn to recognize and observe their own bias. By understanding these prejudices, they can take steps to overcome them and so embrace workplace diversity.

The course is now part of mandatory training for all new joiners with access to our e-learning space.

Flexible Work

In 2021, LDC brought in new global guidelines to offer employees greater flexibility and work-life balance, ultimately leading to increased job satisfaction.

The guidelines provide a foundation for local policies that enable employees to work from home (or another offsite location) for part of their workweek, provided they meet the eligibility criteria we have defined to ensure that we strike a balance between business and team requirements, and individual preferences.

Gender and Age Group by Region

% of employees *

2020 Figures
2021 Figures

GENDER North Asia South & Southeast Asia Europe, Middle East & Africa North America North Latin America South & West Latin America Global
% % % % % % %
FEMALE 45 46 20 21 39 39 26 27 23 26 15 15 25 27
MALE 55 54 80 79 61 61 74 73 77 74 85 85 75 73
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
AGE GROUP North Asia South & Southeast Asia Europe, Middle East & Africa North America North Latin America South & West Latin America Global
% % % % % % %
UNDER 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1
20-29 18 19 19 19 14 11 14 14 29 27 15 14 21 21
30-39 57 54 51 49 35 37 25 26 35 35 43 41 38 37
40-49 21 22 23 25 26 27 21 22 22 24 29 31 24 25
50-59 4 5 6 6 18 18 27 25 10 11 11 12 13 13
60-69 0 0 1 1 6 7 12 13 2 2 2 2 3 3
70 & ABOVE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

*Based on headcount as of December 31, 2021, excluding seasonal workers


% of employees *

2020 Figures
2021 Figures
Brazil 46 47
Argentina 10 9
China 6 6
Russian Federation 4 4
India 4 4
Indonesia 2 2
Ukraine 2 2
France 2 2
Other 24 24
TOTAL 100 100

*Based on headcount as of December 31, 2021, excluding seasonal workers
Note: nationality is not tracked in US locations


Unconscious bias training compulsory for employees with access to LDC’s e-learning platform

Completion: 2021

Status: Complete

Roll out an inclusive recruitment standard globally across LDC

Completion: 2022

Status: Delayed (to 2023)

Engagement scores indicate 75% perception of equal opportunities and treatment

Completion: 2025

Status: Complete*

*2021 employee survey score is 80%

Engagement scores indicate 70% perception of culture where innovative ideas can fail without penalty

Completion: 2025

Status: Complete*

*2021 employee survey score is 76%

Engagement scores indicate 90% perception of acceptance as an individual

Completion: 2025

Status: In Progress *

*2021 employee survey score is 87%

Engagement scores indicate 85% perception of equal opportunities and treatment

Completion: 2030

Status: In progress *

*2021 employee survey score is 80%

Engagement scores indicate 80% perception of culture where innovative ideas can fail without penalty

Completion: 2030

Status: In progress *

*2021 employee survey score is 76%

New & Amended Targets

Roll out an inclusive recruitment standard globally across LDC

Completion: 2023

Engagement scores indicate 90% perception of acceptance as an individual

Completion: 2030

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