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Safety, Health and the Environment (SHE) are a priority at all levels of our business, all day, every day, 365 days a year. Accordingly, we continually strive to instill a ‘safety first’ workplace culture across LDC, to ensure that every person working for and with us returns home safely and without injury each day.

Committed to Zero

2021 was another record year for safety at LDC, with zero work-related fatalities, no major process safety incidents and a decreasing trend across all three of our safety indexes. As part of our commitment to SHE, our goal is to create a zero-accident workplace wherever we operate.

Safety Performance Indexes


The frequency index shows the number of industrial and logistics workplace injuries requiring medical attention, in relation to hours worked. The ratio expresses the number of employees in every 100 who experienced an injury needing medical attention during the year.


The gravity index is a subset of the frequency index. It shows the number of industrial and logistics workplace injuries serious enough to result in time away from work, in relation to hours worked.


The severity index shows the number of days needed away from work due to injury, in relation to hours worked, for industrial and logistics workplaces. It is expressed per 100 employees for one working year.

Facilities With Zero Lost Time Injuries

Our commitment to avoid all accidents is reflected in the proportion of assets that operate for an entire year without an incident that results in time off work.

Globally, 2021 was a record year in this regard, as 89% of our facilities reported zero lost-time injuries over the year, a 3% improvement year on year.

% of facilities recording zero lost time injuries20172018201920202021
Europe, Middle East & Africa8074688182
North America7982919093
North Latin America8079718588
South & West Latin America8376858592


In yet another record for safety performance, 2021 saw zero work-related fatalities recorded across LDC. We commend our people for embracing LDC’s ‘safety first’ culture, securing this achievement that shows our ‘commitment to zero’ is feasible, even in another year that posed many operational challenges.

This said, despite good results compared to national levels in countries where we operate, LDC recorded 4,500 cases of Covid-19 in 2021 and, most regrettably, the loss of 14 employees to the virus.

With the pandemic still ongoing, our SHE teams remain vigilant, monitoring the situation across our locations and introducing or reinforcing existing safety and hygiene measures as needed to combat new Covid-19 variants, including:

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Social distancing
  • Remote working
  • Rigorous safety training and transparent communication
  • Support and incentives to get vaccinated

Safety Culture

Sustaining Our SHE Culture

Each year we celebrate a worldwide Safety, Health & Environment Day across LDC, with events that involve all employees and contractors at our offices and assets, as well as many local safety and emergency service representatives who work closely with our sites year-round.

Our 2021 celebration was completely remote, with Covid-19 still affecting most of the countries where we operate. Avoiding physical gatherings to respect global hygiene and safety measures, we instead digitalized the celebration through online training, presentations, games, contests and other interactive activities to connect with our teams worldwide.

As part of these, we highlighted SHE achievements, challenges and priorities with more than 8,000 employees, contractors and partners who participated in the 2021 event across LDC, delivering the key message that every action – individual and collective – matters.

Process Safety Program 2.0

Our Process Safety Program first launched in 2015 as a foundation to build a solid process safety culture at LDC – a culture we continually promote among our people, training them to identify hazards and mitigate risks proactively, and follow a process safety framework customized for our activities. As a result, we have seen process safety practices progressively harmonized across geographies and platforms, and a successful risk-engineering partnership developed with our insurers.

These efforts have greatly reduced the number of breakdowns in process safety, resulting in a full year 2021 without major process safety incidents. Building on this positive progress, we are now focused on strengthening our model by considering the real consequences of climate change and, as a result, launched LDC’s Process Safety Program 2.0 in 2021 with two main goals:

1. Raise the bar on specific risks in our operations with new policies, guidance and procedures

2. Reinforce process safety knowledge and expertise LDC-wide

Introducing SHE Digital

In 2021, LDC initiated a transformational digitization process that will shape future SHE practices by putting LDC employees at the heart of a new SHE system through computer, mobile and wearable devices. The focus will be on risk prevention, providing our people with a simple, swift and seamless user experience that will accelerate SHE actions, inspections and discussions.

As part of LDC’s investments in SHE enhancements, exceeding US$30million in 2021, five digital modules have already been deployed: action tracking, incident reports, compliance tasks, management systems and leading indicators. Four more modules are due to be rolled out in 2022.


Reduce lost time injuries to zero

Completion: Ongoing

Status: In progress

Reduce frequency of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2021

Status: Complete

Reduce gravity of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2021

Status: Complete

Reduce severity of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2021

Status: Complete

New Targets

Reduce frequency of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2022

Reduce gravity of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2022

Reduce severity of workplace accidents by 5% year on year

Completion: 2022

Roll out four more modules as part of LDC’s new digital SHE system

Completion: 2022

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