LDC is highly proactive in ensuring that employees and partners alike understand there is only one way to conduct business: ethically.
Our commitments to business ethics and compliance are formalized in our Code of Conduct, complemented by several, more specific policies pertaining to agents, gifts & entertainment, anti-money laundering (AML) and regulatory compliance.
Our multifaceted and three-pronged compliance and ethics program is tailored to our diverse and complex global trade flows and operations, allowing compliance officers to oversee its principles and ensure employees are properly trained and aware of legislation affecting our business.
All LDC employees are required to perform an annual Code of Conduct e-learning that was developed internally to align with the Group’s compliance profile, including modules dedicated to anti-corruption, AML and sanctions that are continually revised and updated. All agents and brokers we work with are also required to abide by LDC’s Code of Conduct.
All compliance policies are available through LDC’s internal compliance site, which is widely used by employees, with over 33,000 visits from more than 2,300 unique users in 2022. We also organize regular in-person training, with 25 such sessions run in 2022 across our geographies.
In 2023, LDC is committed to further developing its compliance program through additional e-learnings, increased resources, enhanced coverage of higher risk areas, further automation and continuous monitoring, as well as continued alignment with the Group’s strategy and risk profile.
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